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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Caedmon Funnies Part 1

This will be part 1 of I am sure of a series of Caedmon funnies.

1)  After seeing a gorilla on a show he started doing this:

2)  Again I think he saw this from a show and started fake sneezing.  We were in a grocery store one day and he just starts saying, "Ah-choo."  The people nearby were amused.  

3)  Caedmon has a habit (particularly in the morning with his breakfast bar or waffle or whatever) to throw his bowl of food on the floor.  Some days I am not sure if he ate it then threw the bowl on the floor or if the dog ate it.  So I will ask him where did the food go and sometimes he will point inside his mouth and some days he will point at the dogs mouth.  Hey at least he is being honest right?

4)  While eating he likes to go MMMMM and then rub his belly only he ends up rubbing his chest instead.  And then if mommy or daddy eat something he will come up and rub our bellies (except for me it is more like my boobs) and say MMMMM.  The other day we had dinner at Panera.  The pastries are always by the entrance when you walk in.  We walked in and he immediately went over to the muffins and cookies and pointed at them and said MMMMM.  And if you are wondering yes we added a $0.99 cookie to our order for our sweet boy especially since he ate well and behaved well that day in the restaurant. 

5)  Caedmon is learning to jump and he has to crouch down first before jumping is funny.  

6) We are in the process of giving our bedroom a makeover.  One night after Caedmon went to bed we took everything off the walls including the TV.  Most mornings Caedmon will watch TV in our room while we get ready.  He came in there the next morning looked at the empty wall confused for a few seconds and then pointed at the wall and said, "Uh Oh."

7)  We are teaching Caedmon to say please when he wants something.  Every time we ask him to say please, he always says it while cocking his head to the side.  He does that every time and it amuses us.

8)  Lately when face timing with family or Tanner (if he is traveling for work) Caedmon will take the phone and walk around with it showing whom ever we are talking to different things.  For example he showed his Uncle Brandon that he was watching Curious George (his new obsession) on TV.  And I was at my dads a couple weeks ago while Tanner was in NYC and he had to show Tanner all the snow outside since we only had a dusting at home. 

9)  It is amazing some of the things that kids pick up by watching others.  Back in the fall Caedmon had watched Tanner hook up the camper to the car.  Then one day Caedmon was playing with his power wheel riding lawn mower that has a wagon that attaches to the back of it and the chains from his swing.  He proceeded to pretend to hook up the chains from the tractor to the wagon just like with the car and the camper.  Caedmon also got a tool bench and tools for Christmas.  Again don't know where he sees this stuff but he has laid his tractor and his train on their side and will "work" on them (using his tools to fix them).  Just like helping daddy as pictured here:

10)  Today while I was trying to get his lunch ready I saw him with the TV remote.  Then I couldn't find it later on and I kept asking him where it was and he would put a finger on his lip and go HMMMM while trying to find said remote. 

11)  Tonight Caedmon had a second poopy diaper.  Based on a book we had read from the library I always say, "Did you stinky poot poot?"  Then I jokingly said, "Go tell daddy."  And he literally ran to Tanner and pointed at his diaper and said, "Poot poot." 

12)  Ok the OCD in me I cannot stop at 11 so had to come up with a 12.  These pictures make me laugh: 

Apparently his stuffed puppy was hungry.

Yes this is a real dog.

Dog food soup anyone?  Shaking my head.

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