Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Last Visit Home/The Broken Bear

I went for a visit to my dads for a few days back in the beginning of last month.  Dad happened to be down in Indy for a Veterans meeting on Saturday.  So his buddy dropped him off at my house afterwards and dad and I drove up to his house together.  It was nice since we could drive up when it is dark out since I don't typically drive in the dark much anymore.  We spent some time visiting my aunt Margie and uncle Dave and my aunt Carol and friend Donna.  We also spent some time with my first sister in law Heather because she needed some cheering up and a Caedmon fix.  So of course we had to bust out the margaritas too.  We also went to the South Bend Chocolate Cafe.  I found out from a friend that they have an indoor playground there.  So Caedmon wanted nothing to do with the playground because he was too interested in this bear.

He kept running up to it, staring at it, pointing at it, etc.  Until it finally dawned on me that he was thinking this was the Elvis bear from an earlier blog post.  The Elvis bear sang songs and Caedmon danced.  He was waiting for the bear to start singing.  Caedmon even would dance a little thinking that would make it start.  It was too funny but felt bad for the little guy because this bear doesn't sing.  LOL.

The Bear
Caedmon pointing at the bear
At least someone was interested in the playground lol
Caedmon trying to help Stone by putting his feet on his laptop

Too much snow
My snow pup

So I took this picture and laughed because I said my head is too big.  Heather laughed because she said her sister says the same thing about her own head and that Heather has a small head.  She said they always make Heather put her head forward more and her sister put it back more if that makes sense.  LOL.  I was tempted to redo the picture and try it but refrained. 

Mommy's Little Helper

Lately Caedmon likes to help mommy unload the dishwasher.

St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day is one of my fave holidays. They moved the greening of the canal to after work hours instead of really early in the morning.  So this will be a new tradition for our family and was glad we could all go to it.  It was a neat thing to see because I always wondered how they done it.  They did the greening of the canal on Friday night.  We picked up Tanner from work and headed straight there.  Then we dropped him back off at his car afterwards.  The parking lot he parks in for work is behind the Rathskellar (a German restaurant).  So Tanner went in and bought some soft pretzels and spatzael noodles before coming home.  We already had some sausage leftover and add some beer and we had a nice German meal that night.

On Sunday night my BFF Becky and her son Adrian came to spend the night and spend St. Pat's day with me.  We went to the parade and it was FREEZING out so only stayed for a short time.  Good thing we got to the car when we did because Caedmon started screaming bloody murder because we think his hands were frozen because he wouldn't keep his gloves on.  I had gloves on and my hands were still freezing.  So Caedmon is screaming in the car and then Adrian starts crying for who knows what reason.  So we got two kids crying in the back of the car and this guys walks by as were loading strollers into the car and says Happy St. Pats Day.  Ha ha A hole but have to laugh about it now although it was stressful at the time.  Oh and then to add more stress to the mix Adrian has to go to the bathroom and were downtown so its not like we can just pull the car over and go potty somewhere.  So its like do we try to find a place to stop or see if he makes it home in time because I just want to get home in order to get Caedmon to calm down.  Despite all of that I still had a good day and had a good time with Becky.  And it is always fun getting the boys together.